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Politicians have looked weak in the face of such natural disaster, with many facing criticism from local.

Politicians have looked weak in the face of such natural disaster, with many facing criticism from local residents for doing little more than turning up as “flood tourists” at the site of disasters, incapable of helping those in crisis and only there for a photo.

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Maecenas mauris elementum, est morbi interdum cursus at elite imperdiet libero. Proin odios nulla.

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    Engaging Oppurtunities and Top Benefits

    Maecenas mauris elementum, est morbi interdum cursus at elite imperdiet libero. Proin odios dapibus integer an nulla augue pharetra cursus.

    Press Office, Licensees and Employment

    Maecenas mauris elementum, est morbi interdum cursus at elite imperdiet libero. Proin odios dapibus integer an nulla augue pharetra cursus.

  • Aenean faucibus sapien a odio varius?

    Engaging Oppurtunities and Top Benefits

    Maecenas mauris elementum, est morbi interdum cursus at elite imperdiet libero. Proin odios dapibus integer an nulla augue pharetra cursus.

    Press Office, Licensees and Employment

    Maecenas mauris elementum, est morbi interdum cursus at elite imperdiet libero. Proin odios dapibus integer an nulla augue pharetra cursus.

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    Engaging Oppurtunities and Top Benefits

    Maecenas mauris elementum, est morbi interdum cursus at elite imperdiet libero. Proin odios dapibus integer an nulla augue pharetra cursus.

    Press Office, Licensees and Employment

    Maecenas mauris elementum, est morbi interdum cursus at elite imperdiet libero. Proin odios dapibus integer an nulla augue pharetra cursus.

Press Office News

  • Covid hysteria and a climate of fear is having a devastating impact on the human mind
    Covid hysteria and a climate of fear is having a devastating impact on the human mind

    Ongoing hysteria and a climate of fear promoted by Government and mainstream media have had a devastating impact on many of us, which may be difficult to reverse, even in the medium term. In tonight’s episode, we speak to Dr Mark McDonald and Tania de Jong AM on the mental health toll caused by the pandemic response.

  • Vaccines: Sacrificing the Children to Save the Vulnerable
    Vaccines: Sacrificing the Children to Save the Vulnerable

    Dr. Roger Hodkinson, CEO and Medical Director of MedMalDoctors, has pleaded to stop the madness of Covid-19 fraud and vaccines’ served up to fight the pandemic. Our 2nd guest, Rick Munn, believes we will see upheaval in many countries in the next 12 months and we should be prepared.

  • We’re hurtling towards a Totalitarian Technocracy
    We’re hurtling towards a Totalitarian Technocracy

    Ivor Cummins, a biochemical engineer has been an outspoken critic of lockdowns and the poor science behind Government decision-making. Ivor recently released a feature length documentary called ‘Covid Chronicles’. Also joining us to discuss Biden’s Build Back Better plan is Blake Christian CPA, a national Top 25 OZ influencer.